
Ollois thuja occidentals 30C homeopathic single medicines. Traditionally usedto help improve symptoms of warts. The dosage is not related to the weight andage of the patient. In general, dissolve 5 pellets 3 times a day untilsymptoms are relieved or as directed by your health care professional.Contains appx. 80 pellets in each tube, each dose should be placed under thetongue of adults and children, or in the cheek of an infant, where they willdissolve. It is preferable to take apart from meals. No side effects, no druginteraction. For informational purposes only, not intended for, and neithershould it be taken as a substitute for professional medical advice. Stop useand ask a physician if symptoms persist for more than 3 days or worsen. Ifpregnant or breast-feeding, ask a health professional before use. Keep out ofreach of children.Features: Ollois Organic, Lactose-Free Thuja Occidentals 30C homeopathic single medicine is traditionally used to help improve symptoms of warts Vegan Friendly Natural Homeopathic Medicine At OLLOIS we believe that everything is connected. With homeopathy, our mind, body, spirit are one one system which needs a little help sometimes to get to that perfect balance and to feel as its best SAFE: No known side effects; No known drug interactions


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