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Digestion is the process that reduces proteins, carbohydrates and fatsinto particles your body can absorb. Enzymes are its tools. Because enzymesdecline with age, millions use enzyme supplements.Enzymes, however, are highlyspecific. Those that digest proteins digest only proteins, those that digestfats digest only fats, and so on. Thus, the enzymes you need depend on thefoods you eat.If you eat an Omnivore type diet, your meals are very high incarbs, moderate proteins, and very low fats. That means you need lots of carb,moderate protein and very low fat digesting enzymes. Real-Zymes OMNIVORE isthe world?s only supplement designed for these specific needs.Because of this,it will outperform any other enzyme supplement you?ve ever used.What does thatmean? Quicker, more complete digestion. Enhanced energy. Less fullness,bloating, gas and other digestive complaints. And, much, much more.For manyyears, digestive enzyme supplements were ?one size fits all.? Now, there?s abetter way. Real-Zymes, from Pure Essence. There are nine different formulas,and no matter what you eat, one is perfect for you.Real-Zymes Atkins (ProteinPower) ? Very high proteins, moderate fats, very low carbsReal-Zymes Keto ?Very high fats, low proteins, very low carbsReal-Zymes Mediterranean ? Veryhigh in carbs, low in proteins and fatsReal-Zymes Paleo (South Beach, etc) ?High proteins, high carbs, moderate fatsReal-Zymes Ornish (Pritikin) ? Veryhigh carbs, low proteins, very low fatsReal-Zymes Vegan ? Plant based foodsonly with high carbs, moderate proteins, low fatsReal-Zymes Vegetarian ?Plants based and dairy foods with high carbs, moderate proteins, low fatsReal-Zymes Zone ? Modest proteins, carbs and fatsIf you don?t follow any specificdiet, use Omnivore.Features: FOR STANDARD AMERICAN DIET: World’s only enzyme supplement developed specifically to digest an Standard American Diet. Until now, enzyme supplements have been “One Size Fits All.” Yet, if you follow a American Diet, you eat far more carbs, moderate proteins, and far fewer fats. You need more carb digesting enzymes, and not as many for fat. By customizing the formula to fit your unique food intake, Real-Zymes OMNIVORE can improve your digestion as no other enzyme supplement can. GAS, BLOATING AND CONSTIPATION RELIEF: As Real-Zymes are packed with several different Protease, Lipase and Amylase enzymes, along with others (like Maltase, Invertase, Xylanase, Pectinase, Phytase, and Beta Glucanase) that finish what they begin. Together, these enzymes optimize digestion, which reduces bloating, belching, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux and other digestive complaints. Youll notice the difference nearly at once. OPTIMUM NUTRIENT ABSORPTION: Enzymes are the tools that break down fats, carbs, and proteins into particles you can absorb and distribute to cells. Poor digestion means poor nutrient absorption, which robs cells of the nutrients they need to perform at peak efficiency. For this reason, better digestion improves every aspect of health. INCREASED REGULARITY: Constipation and related issues regarding regularity are largely the result of poor digestion. With a premium enzyme product, problems with irregularity will begin to improve within 14 days.
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