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Have you ever wondered if you or your family are drinking enough water? Hydration is a major problem today. Most people have no idea they are dehydrated.Our body has an unquenchable thirst for water. For many, it is a real challenge to keep up with our near constant need for water. Nearly 75% of American adults and children are chronically dehydrated. An amazing and scary statistic!Dehydration can cause fatigue, difficulty thinking, and even kidney stones. Water is necessary for the body to digest and absorb vitamins and nutrients. It?s also key to proper digestion and it detoxifies the liver and kidneys. Adequate hydration is vital and improves body and brain health, while promoting healthy skin.The problem is most people don?t like the taste of plain water and find it boring. That is why we created our delicious Water Drops. The water enhancers on the market today are full of chemicals. We wanted to offer a better-for-you water enhancer in four delicious flavors with zero calories, zero carbs, zero sugars, and no artificial ingredients.Transform your still or sparkling water from boring to WOW and help your body, brain, and skin get their needed nourishment to function at their best!
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