
Hylands Cell Salts #8?Magnesia Phosphorica 6X?500 TabletsHyland’s Cell Salts #8?Magnesia Phosphorica?6X provides natural relief for?muscle cramps and?pains.?Cell Salts #8 is indicated for the relief of symptoms of muscular cramps and pains, particularly menstrual cramps, relieved by warmth.?Magnesia Phosphorica?is also for stomach cramps, flatulence, headaches with darting pains and twitching.?Cell Salts #8 Magnesia Phosphorica relaxes spasms of the nerves & muscles and?relieves radiating neuralgic pains.Cell Salts stimulate the body?s natural healing mechanisms to satisfy mineral deficiencies and imbalances. In his biochemic theory, Dr. Schuessler, the discoverer of Cell Salts, states that deficiencies in these minerals are the source of most common health problems and that the Cell Salts derived from these minerals give the body what it needs to prevent and treat illness. With today?s reliance on highly processed foods, keeping a healthy balance of minerals in the body is a major challenge. Hyland?s Cell Salts can be part of a healthy daily regimen.Cell Salts are made from the minerals that cells require every day. Cell Salts are specially formulated in homeopathic microdoses, making them safe for the whole family including children over one year of age and are safe to use with other medications.Hyland?s Cell Salts give families the flexibility and assurance of safety to treat minor health issues quickly and effectively. As they will not react with other medications, Cell Salts complement any health plan. More and more healthcare practitioners are embracing Hyland?s Cell Salts for natural, self-care options for their patients. Parents can rely on Hyland?s Cell Salts to help solve their children?s minor health issues before they may become more serious. They are perfect for children because they taste good, are easy to use, work very well with children?s very responsive health systems, and are perfectly safe by themselves or in combination with other therapies. Effective in stimulating fast healing responses, Hyland?s Cell Salts relieve and speed recovery to resolve common problems such as colds, flu, earaches, and other ailments. Kids love their faintly sweet taste and how quickly the tablets dissolve on the tongue as well. Try them with your children and you will agree!In recent years, homeopathic medicine has been sold increasingly in combination formulas, to provide a group of remedies to alleviate a condition. Hyland’s offers their top-selling 29 single remedies that provide more individualized treatment for specific ailments. It’s sometimes preferable to treat your condition with a singular constitutional remedy.About Hyland’s Homeopathic MedicinesHyland’s Homeopathic Medicines are manufactured according to the standards set forth in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. They offer unique formulations and use only the highest quality materials in the preparation of their products. Hyland’s product line spans 3,500 items – from single remedies to combination medicines.George Hyland was the first of many pharmacists to lead the company bearing his name. His passion for safe & natural medicines that bring swift, effective relief is still the driving force at Hyland?s today. In 1903, the year Hyland?s was founded as a Los Angeles pharmacy, homeopathy was standard medical practice in the United States. During the first half of the century, despite the medicine?s effectiveness, cultural and political factors pushed it from the mainstream.Throughout the decades Hyland?s never lost sight of the need for natural medicines that were strong in relieving symptoms but gentle in the way they worked. Nor did the company lose touch with the many insightful doctors and pharmacists who dispensed the medicine, or with the consumers who continued to use it and benefit from it. As countless conventional medicines developed by others proved to produce negligible, complicated or even harmful results, the need for natural medicines that work without side effects is increasing and homeopathic medicines are moving back into the mainstream.The active ingredients in Hyland?s homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the most effective healing force known – the body’s own natural defenses – and are therefore not heavy or overpowering. The medicines are virtually free of side effects and can be taken by nearly anyone at any time, from infants to the elderly, including anyone taking prescription medications.In addition to its century-long commitment to make safe & natural homeopathic medicines readily available, Hyland?s has been a leader in innovations that answer the changing health needs of the modern world. Hyland?s Teething Tablets, Calms Fort?, Sniffles ?n Sneezes 4Kids, Restful Legs and many others are popular ?combination? medicines that focus the power of homeopathy on a particular set of symptoms. Hyland’s pharmacists developed each one by carefully selecting a few specific homeopathic ingredients from among thousands, and combining them in effective medicines. Hyland?s array of combination medicines provides relief from the symptoms of most common ailments.Hyland’s broad base of customers includes many who discovered the company?s medicines after lengthy and often painful searches for answers to their health problems. Their words flow into the company daily and tell a common story of frustration relief and gratitude.”Tired of medicines with side effects as along as my arm?””?I was thinking, I can?t live like this?””?so frustrated taking my daughter to the doctor?””?we had a serious need for natural medicine that was safe and that worked. No one listened except Hyland?s.””?it worked instantly.””?thanks for the peace of mind.”As prescription drugs become more prevalent and complex, and the costs of health care continue to skyrocket, the need for medicines that are natural, affordable, effective and available without a prescription is greater than ever. These factors have positioned Hyland’s at the forefront of a common-sense health movement and ushered in what is fast becoming the most exciting time in its long and successful history.The Basic Principles of HomeopathyHomeopathy (“hoh-mee-OP-uh-thee”), also known as homeopathic (“hoh-meeuh-PATH-ik”) medicine, is a whole medical system that originated in Europe and has been practiced in the United States since the early 19th century. Homeopathy is based on three principles:?Like Cures LikeHomeopathy demonstrates that a substance that produces a certain set of symptoms in a healthy person can cure a sick person experiencing those same symptoms. For instance, onions make your eyes water when you cut them. If you have a cold or allergies and your symptoms include a runny nose, the likely remedy to treat your runny nose would be Allium Cepa, which is made from onions.?Minimum DoseUnlike conventional medicines, a homeopathic medicine is believed to be more effective when its active ingredient is diluted and succussed (shaken vigorously). Data indicates that the homeopathic medicine gains increased effectiveness with each additional dilution-succussion step. Furthermore the safety profile of the medicine increases with increased dilution.Individualized MedicinesIdeally homeopathic treatment is tailored to each person. In this case, practitioners select medicines according to a total picture of the patient, including not only physical symptoms but also lifestyle, emotional and mental states, and other factors.Hyland’s Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy Homeopathy?Developed by pharmacists, the key to Hyland’s homeopathic medicines is that they are strong in relieving symptoms, but gentle in the way they work: Made with natural active ingredients; no drug interactions and non-habit forming. They can be taken by nearly anyone at any time, from children to the elderly, including anyone taking prescription medicine. High margin of safety, They can be given to young children without fear of misdosing or overdosing. Is Homeopathy Regulated?Yes! Homeopathic Medicines are regulated as drugs by the FDA and their manufacturing facilities are inspected by the FDA. The claims for their products are based on traditional homeopathic practice; they are not reviewed by the FDA. All homeopathic medicines also follow the manufacturing and quality practices outlined in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States.Are these herbal products?No, these are no herbs, which use a larger quantity of plant material per dose. Homeopathic medicines use a minute dose of plant or mineral substances to address symptoms. Unlike herbal supplements which are regulated as foods, the FDA accepts homeopathic products as drugs. As drugs, homeopathic products must be manufactured in compliance with the FDA finished pharmaceutical Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) regulations for cleanliness, quality and testing. All Hyland’s manufacturing facilities are inspected by the FDA.Will homeopathic medicines interact with other medications I’m taking?In general, because the ingredients in homeopathic remedies are in small amounts they do not have any drug interactions. However, if you are concerned using a homeopathic remedy with other prescription or over-the-counter (OTC) drugs that you are taking, they recommend that you speak with your doctor or pharmacist.I am lactose intolerant. Can I take these products?People who are lactose intolerant do not have enough of the enzymes in their digestive tract to digest lactose. Their products contain about 64 mg. of lactose (the sugar from cow’s milk – no protein is used) per tablet. While everyone is different, most lactose intolerant individuals would need to ingest 5000 mg. of lactose before they experience symptoms of intolerance from the lack of enzymes. With this large margin of safety, there is rarely a problem with their products when being used as directed on the label. If your physician has determined that you are specifically “Allergic to Lactose”, you should avoid their tablets. If you are very concerned, seek the advice of a licensed health care professional before using this product.Do their products carry an expiration date?Homeopathic medicines are good indefinitely as they are very stable when stored under normal conditions (away?from moisture and excessive heat or cold). For this reason, in the US the FDA has exempted homeopathic manufacturers from putting expiration dates on the label.Can pregnant and/or breastfeeding women use your products?No formal studies have been conducted to test the safety of homeopathic remedies in pregnant and/or breastfeeding women. The FDA requires all OTC medicines to tell consumers to check with their physician before using any OTC drug if they are pregnant or nursing.My child just ate an entire bottle of tablets, what do I do?Do not panic. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, non-toxic, and have a very wide margin of safety. It is unlikely that your child could become seriously ill just from taking a large number of the tablets at one time. You can call their 24 hours emergency information number at 1-800-624-9659 and a pharmacist or healthcare professional will return your call. Their products are also listed with Regional Poison Control Centers. Most are informed of the wide margin of safety of homeopathic medicines. However, if your child does develop symptoms that concern you, please consult your own physician or health care provider right away.About Hyland’sTheir work, their research, and the development of their products — they are all informed by your needs and feedback. So when it comes to telling you about them, it’s really telling the story of their magnificent family — which includes the great people they serve. So they’d like to start by thanking you for defining who they are.Hyland’s is celebrating over a century-long commitment to making safe and natural homeopathic medicines. During all these years, they’ve never lost touch with the reasons why their founders started this company — beginning with the pharmacist and visionary George Hyland back in 1903. They have always been driven by the simple scientific proof of how the body can call upon its own natural defenses to heal and restore balance. This is the basis of homeopathic medicine. So even during times when cultural and political factors have pushed homeopathic medicine from the mainstream, Hyland’s has solidly stood its ground with integrity and wisdom, knowing that as sure as the sun rises each day, their medicines are effective, virtually free of side effects and able to be taken by nearly anyone at any time, from infants to the elderly.Today, as countless conventional medicines developed by others prove to produce complicated or even harmful side effects, the need for natural homeopathic medicines that work without side effects is increasing. Hyland’s stands as the leader in innovations that answer to the changing health need of our modern world. From master athletes who use their Arnica Gel on their 3000 mile adventures, to toddlers who can’t yet walk but have the capacity to send their parents running to fetch their teething tablets – Hyland’s medicines share the milestones of people’s lives. They’re there when legs are needing a rest, when aching ears need drops, when noses need unclogging, and when little bugs in the hair become big problems for everyone. Hyland’s is for all ages at all times. It’s an honor to play a role in your lives and they’re grateful for your trust and interest in who they are.


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